Harsh Muriki
I am a 1st-year BS/MS student in Robotics at Georgia Tech advised by Dr. Sonia Chernova. I am also working as a Graduate Research Assistant with Dr. Yongsheng Chen.
✉️ vmuriki3@gatech.edu
Research Interest: Human-Robot Interaction, Robot Learning, Navigation and Manipulation in Unseen, Dynamic Environments, AgTech Robotics
Gerry Chen, Harsh Muriki A hybrid cable-driven robot for non-destructive leafy plant monitoring and mass estimation using structure from motion
2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in London, UK
Harsh Muriki, Hong Ray Teo, Ved Sengupta, and Ai-Ping Hu Robotic Phenotyping for Small-Scale Urban Farms
2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Atlanta, USA
Abigail Cohen, Harsh Muriki, Yongsheng Chen V(HS)IT: Using Vision Transformers to Enhance Prospects for Rapid Lettuce Tissue Nutrient Detection and Precision Nutrient Control
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 2025
Under Review
Research Projects
- Semantic Segmentation: Developing a 3D Spatio-Temporal mapping system using Hello-Robot Stretch to understand dynamic environments
- Deep learning with lettuce plants: Collected largest hyperspectral dataset of lettuce plants